Stay in the Car!


This is easily the steepest road I know of near our house. It’s only about 1/4 mile long and probably hard to see just how steep it is in the pictures, but wow! A few times I’ve felt very ambitious and run up it (usually with pretty much the face I’m making in that picture!), but I’ve noticed something: it’s a lot easier to stay in the car and drive it (deep, I know!). It’s amazing to see the views from the top, and it’s a lot easier to get to there if we Stay. In. The. Car.

John 15:4 says, “Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.” A branch won’t grow fruit or have nutrients if it disconnects from the rest of the plant, and Jesus wants us to stay connected to Him (to abide in Him) so that we can have His help, His power to live the life He has in mind for us. But if we go off on our own, we separate ourselves from that help, and life gets a lot more difficult. 

I could get out of the car and start walking up that hill and then complain about how hard it is, but that would be kinda ridiculous. But it’s also ridiculous for us to stop living God’s way and then wonder why life gets so hard. Stay in the car! Stay connected to Jesus by spending time with Him each day, living the life He has chosen for you to live, and getting rid of anything He says needs to go. Then, even when circumstances are hard, we’ll be connected to the One Who’s able to carry us through. 

Let’s abide in Him; He will show us some amazing views along the way!

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