Live-Streamed for a Year?


Imagine having your life live-streamed to the world…every day…for a year! That’s what one man did! Another guy allowed his life to be live-streamed for 5 years straight! He made $5 million, but I’m not sure it would be worth it!

Most of us would be REALLY uncomfortable constantly being on camera. I get it; that’s why I deleted my quick live video as soon as I got this screenshot, before anyone could see it! It’s normal to not want to be constantly watched, but if we are trying to hide sinful behavior, then there is a problem. If you are constantly worried about someone seeing what’s on your phone or what you watch on TV, you already know you’re doing wrong. If you try to make sure no one knows what you talk about with your friends, you need to make a change, not to your privacy but to your choices. We shouldn’t allow ourselves to hide sin: we should stop sinning so that we have nothing to hide. 

In the beginning of time, God created a perfect universe with no sin. Adam and Eve had one simple rule to follow but still disobeyed God and lost the close relationship they had with Him. For the first time ever, they felt guilt and shame and tried to hide from God. Genesis 3:8 says, “And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden.” Sounds like they got to walk through the Garden of Eden WITH GOD often before they sinned. That’s an amazing privilege they lost, and guilt and shame will push us away from God too unless we confess our sin instead of hiding it. Even when it’s difficult, live with nothing to hide. 

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