Better Than Autocorrect! How to Really Know When You're Going off the Right Path

For me, coffee needs some cream and THAT’S IT! My wife likes a little more complicated caffeine sometimes which is all good but harder to spell (and order!). My challenge recently was trying to spell Jen’s drink in a text. 🤔

I’ve never been all that great at spelling, but I did have confidence that if I spelled it wrong, my phone would correct it. Autocorrect and I definitely do NOT always get along, but it worked this time. 

Autocorrect will let you down sometimes, but God never will. We can always have confidence that we’re going the right way if we are listening to God and obeying Him. 

Isaiah 30 describes some bad choices the people of Judah were making back then. God assures them that He had blessings and good coming in their future when they would turn back to Him. Among other things, God promised that He would lead and guide them, and He promises that for all of us who are willing to follow His leading as well. Isaiah 30:21 says, “And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left.” Autocorrect SHOULD let you know when your spelling has gotten a little off, but God will ALWAYS show us which way to go and let us know when we’ve started to head the wrong way if we are paying attention. Our job is to listen and obey. Are you listening? Are you following God’s leading today? He wants to show you the right way if you are willing to obey. Oh, and feel free to comment if anything got incorrectly autocorrected as I typed this!😏

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